On average, tickets to see Johnny Mathis live in concert will cost you $162.00 a ticket. Each of these results in different prices for each performance. Johnny Mathis concert tickets range in price due to many factors like location, seating arrangements and venue capacity. Get ahold of your Johnny Mathis today to see him live in concert later this year! Johnny Mathis Ticket Prices You can’t miss the opportunity to see his skills displayed live in person. Although he may be getting older, Mathis still displays the powerful vocal talents fans have always loved.
Mathis’s iconic singing voice has earned him many notable awards including three Grammy Hall of Fame Awards, a place in the Great American Songbook Hall of Fame and numerous other awards that have cemented his legacy as one of the top musicians in music history. Over his many years in the industry, he has produced over 73 studio albums which have produced hit singles like “Wonderful! Wonderful!” and “What Will Mary Say”. Ever since his first album was released in 1956, Mathis has been known for his comforting rock ballads. Listen to the soothing romantic sounds of live soft rock music with Johnny Mathis tickets from TicketSmarter.